
Info in English (Books, PDFs) Books in English some are out of print. However, we've managed to find some new releases that are affordable and can be...

Info in English (Books, PDFs)

Books in English some are out of print. However, we've managed to find some new releases that are affordable and can be purchased on

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Kokeshi Jidai Magazines Magazines that are more like books. Information is primarily in Japanese but also features Artisan's names in English....

Kokeshi Jidai Magazines

Magazines that are more like books. Information is primarily in Japanese but also features Artisan's names in English. Loads of pictures feauturing Traditional…

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Online Resources Social Media, Online Retailers, and other informational sites.

Online Resources

Social Media, Online Retailers, and other informational sites.

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Jetro Kokeshi Kokeshi Dolls by JETRO 1955, contains 28 pages and was published in 1955 by the New York/Tokyo Jetro/Japan Society. There are approximately 70 Kokeshi pictured...
Shido Shouzan Kokeshi Book Japanese Vintage Wooden Kokeshi Doll Book by Shido Shozan 128 pages printed in 1971. Currently out of Print but available through auction sites, and antique...
CREATIVE KOKESHI DOLL BY Nobori Yamanaka Modern Kokeshi Nostalgia by Nobori Yamanaka 1978. 183 pages with color and black & white photos on pages 7 through 62. Each picture has the makers information...
Alan Scott Pate - Japanese Ningyo 2008 Japanese Dolls, the Fascinating World of Ningyo by Alan Pate Scott Hardcover: 272 pgs Publisher: Tuttle Publishing; Hardcover w/Jacket edition (April 15, 2008)...
Exhibition Catalogue Shibukawa City Kokeshi Exhibition Catalogues. The books have beautiful images of Sosaku (Modern) Kokeshi. The artist is pictured with some of the Kokeshi, along with the title...
Series: Color Books, Title:Kokeshi its tradition & creativity, Publication year : 1983, Supervising Editor : NOBORU YAMANAKA This Kokeshi book has 153 illustrated pages, contains a few Trditional Kokeshi but primarily has Modern Creative Kokeshi Dolls. It was meant to be a pocket book...
6 Series: Color Books, Title:Kokeshi its tradition & creativity, Publication year : 1983, Supervising Editor : NOBORU YAMANAKA
Kokeshi Book Ultimate List of Makers Kokeshi Book Ultimate List of Makers. This is a pocket book listing Traditional Kokeshi Makers, it contains a picture of the Artisan, their name and Kokeshi...
Treasure Box Series of Kokeshi Maiden Treasure Box Series of Kokeshi Maiden by Yumi Yamamoto - the book contains 144 pages and was released on 09/06/2013 ISBN-13 978-4766125283 and ISBN-10...
Traditional Kokeshi Pattern Collection Book Ltd Ed Traditional Kokeshi Pattern Collection Book Ltd Ed Published by Iwasaki Fine Arts original. Author Bunsaku Tachibana. Original price 22,000 Yen. Contains color...
Kokeshi Jiten (Dictionary) Published by Publishing Hall Tokyo (1971), ASIN: B000J93SH4, Released in 1971 Contains information, in Japanese, on Traditional Kokeshi it is printed in B&W...
10 Kokeshi Jiten (Dictionary)
Kokeshi book in French by Laetitia Hebert and available through her website Folkeshi Even if you don't read French the book is filled with wonderful photos that any Kokeshi loving fan will enjoy.
11 Kokeshi book in French by Laetitia Hebert and available through her website Folkeshi

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