Miyajima Muhitsu

Born in 1929

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Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆 born in Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture  in 1929  Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆  Muhitsu was born in 1929 and it is believed he began making Kokeshi in 1942. He was originally a traditional style kijishi, and studied under Kichitaro Kobayashi (Yamagata). It appears that he later in the 1940s decided to switch over to  the creative Kokeshi form. Muhitsu won many awards including the coveted Prime Minister's prize in 1973.  Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆  Tsubaki - Camellia  Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆  Sakulra - Cherry Blossom 
Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆  AI / Family love  Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆  Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆  Sui 翠 (みどい) (1994) 年出展  Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆  Titled 花心 Flower Heart Hana-gokoro 
Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆  Titled 花心 Flower Heart Hana-gokoro  Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆  Sato no ko, country kid  Sambiki Saru  This trio by Miyajima Muhitsu is representative of Sambiki Saru, the "Three Mystic Apes". They are Mizaru, covering his eyes, who sees no evil; Kikazaru, covering his ears, who hears no evil; and Iwazaru, covering his mouth, who speaks no evil.  Komorebi (木漏れ日), which means the sunshine filtering through the leaves of a tree  Kigi no Komorebi - Sunlight throuh trees 
Komorebi (木漏れ日), which means the sunshine filtering through the leaves of a tree  Kigi no Komorebi - Sunlight through trees  Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆  Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆  Miyajima Muhitsu / 宮島 無筆  Bowling pin